Vos idées

Les idées qui émergeront de vos commentaires seront reprises dans le programme de votre candidat Ismael Cissé aux élections pour la présidence de l’Union des Ivoiriens de New York.

One comment on “Vos idées

  1. I love the project you have in mind for the Ivorien community in New York. I think you and your « Equipe de Campagne » should use Facebook more as a tool to maximize people’s awareness about your visions for the Ivorien community. It’s by curiosity I came across your website. Not everyone will take their time to do so. Most of the people are limited when it comes to technology. Therefore my advise is to get all your campaign personals, the member of ARM and popular Ivorien figures in NYC like my uncle Delaroca to share the amassing video on your website and your program everyday on Facebook in order for more people to come across it so our community can know your potentials and the amassing job you are doing. Try to especially reach out to the young generation more. Best of luck hope this advises will help and hope you will win.

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